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Winchester Civil Air Patrol Celebrates Chamber Membership

October 18, 2023

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Winchester, VA (Oct 18, 2023) – Civil Air Patrol has had a squadron in Winchester since the 1960’s and has been quietly developing America’s future generation of leaders ever since. Civil Air Patrol is a national program, but Winchester is continually growing to be one of the largest squadrons in the state, with 78 cadets and over 30 senior members currently. Cadet members can join as early as 12 years old. Senior members are adult volunteers from the community, many of them parents of cadets. The cadet program focuses on leadership, aerospace education, fitness, and character development. All cadets are given the opportunity to fly in an aircraft owned by Civil Air Patrol and operated by volunteer pilots. Today’s cadets are tomorrow’s aerospace leaders.

Civil Air Patrol’s Winchester Composite Squadron celebrated its new membership with the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber with a ribbon cutting on Tuesday, October 17th at their hangar at Winchester Regional Airport (459 Bufflick Road, Winchester, VA 22602).

“We have been embedded in the community since our unit’s chartering back in the 1960s,” commented the squadron’s commander, Major Jacob Bixler. “I am excited to connect and engage with the community further through our unit’s membership, giving the community general awareness of our organization, and the reason why we exist, which is clearly summarized in Civil Air Patrol’s mission statement: Volunteers serving America's communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.”

For More Information:

Maj. Jacob Bixler <>

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