Virginia Wing
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


To be announced. Payments will be collected via EventBrite and the link will be distributed to applicants. 



The Cadet Encampment Assistance Program (CEAP) is an available option and the application process (separate - through e-Services) will open on March 1stPlease click here for full details. 

It is encouraged to apply as soon as possible as funds have been distributed as first come, first served in the past for this program. 


1. How will I know if I have been approved? 

 - National Headquarters will email you directly (at your email that is on-file in e-Services). There is no way to check from e-Services for cadets.

2. When will I know if I have been approved?

- The CEAP website (link above) states notifications would be sent within 10 days of unit approval.

- CEAP applications close 30 days before the start of encampment.

3. How do I ensure my encampment (student and cadre) application is on-time without knowing if I have funds to attend?

- For both students and cadet cadre, you will select "Pay By Check" in EventBrite and you must follow-up with an email to summer-enc-da @ advising you are awaiting receipt of a scholarship or CEAP. This notification is required so we do not expect a check from you.

 4. What if I am not eligible for CEAP, or do not receive CEAP funds, but still looking for funding to attend encampment? 

All cadets that request financial assistance or scholarships should apply for CEAP. VAWG will automatically consider those not awarded CEAP automatically once all CEAP funding has been expended. All cadets will be considered in order of priority, if they have/haven't attended, age (oldest first), and submission date. Please note: this may result in only a few days  between financial assistance award notification and the beginning of encampment.

Virginia Wing cadets may apply for an encampment scholarships. Procedures for 2022 will be announced in fall 2021.

Unit Commanders can review status of CEAP applications in e-Services under Cadet Programs > Event Administration > Encampments > Encampment Reports.


What to Expect 

Check-in procedures and directions will be posted here closer to the activity. Encampment is a challenging activity which requires personal preparation on your part before you arrive. You may review the following materials and ensure that you are up to standards:


Packing List 

Administration will email you the current packing list with your welcome package.


Tips and Tricks

We asked the encampment cadre to share what they wish they would have known at their student encampment. Here's what they told us:

  • Bring cough drops!
  • Think small. Bring travel sized toiletries instead of full size. 
  • Blister pads are a must! 
  • Ask questions! You're at encampment to learn so take advantage of it. 
  • Major on the minors. It's the little things that matter at encampment. If you do well with the little and seemingly insignificant, you will also do well with the larger and more important.
  • Use common sense when interacting with your Cadre. They're here to help you but they aren't here to babysit you.
  • Bring pre-moistened towelettes to freshen up during the day.
  • Wear your boots before encampment to a) break them in and b) make sure they are the correct fit.
  • Start exercising for a few minutes each morning. 
  • Start hydrating now!  
  • Learn to use your diaphragm in advance. 
  • Make sure you know how to perform some basic tasks before Encampment like wearing the uniform and the basic drill movements. That way when you arrive at Encampment, you can help your fellow students out.
  • Start packing a few days before you leave and double check that you've got everything you need before you leave home. 
  • Remember that the staff isn't tough on you because you are a bad cadet. They want you to be the best that you can be and they expect a high standard. 
  • To save yourself time, learn drill well enough to pass up to the Achievement 3 drill test. 
  • Make sure you're always checking on your wingman. Know how to look out for them, and get them help from a staff member if needed. 
  • Find out your squadron staff's ranks before hand. (Check out the Meet the Team! section of this website.) 
  • Make friends! It's incredibly likely that you will be seeing the cadet in your Encampment squadron again at other wing events. It's great to have old friends to reconnect with. 
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